Stay Involved: 2 Things You Can Do Right Now

After the unprecedented number of people participating in the historic Women’s March, we have some serious momentum to protect the things we believe in. Here’s are a couple of ways to keep it going.

In the face of the possibility that environmental regulations and policies could be rolled back or gutted entirely, it’s up to us to stand up to protect our health, the health of our families and communities, and of environment.

Here’s the catch: Our elected officials don’t control our dollars.

Women have enormous economic power. It’s so massive that it can trigger change faster than national policy, and often does what policy can’t. With that power, we can hold the line for our health. And not only hold it—we can draw a whole new one.

One action you can take right now is to use your dollars to support companies making products without toxic chemicals that pollute our bodies and the environment. The best part? You can take this action more than once. You can do this every day.

So how do you do it? Easy:

1. Switch to MADE SAFE certified products.

2. DonateEvery dollar you give helps us screen more products, research more ingredients, and close data gaps. Every dollar helps us hold the line for your health and your family’s health.

We can create a green economy that puts our health first, an economy that operates independently of rolled-back health & environmental policies.

If you’re skeptical this will make a difference, consider this: Women make a whopping 85% of buying decisions. Companies study what we spend money on. For example, one industry report identified a growing segment they dubbed “Eco-Aware Moms”, which is 62 million women strong and holds $1.75 trillion in buying power.

You better believe companies are listening to what those 62 million women want.

Here’s some evidence. When women demanded safer products with their dollars:

  • Johnson & Johnson removed formaldehyde from No More Tears shampoo – and then announced the phase-out of some other toxic chemicals from all of their products

Join us in taking action today and every day to hold the line for our health. See a few more actions you can take here.


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