New Study Finds Toxic PFAS in Makeup

You may recognize the name “PFAS” as being the class of chemicals used to make nonstick pans and the main subject of the recent movie Dark Waters, but did you know that those same chemicals are now being found in makeup products?


A recent study conducted by scientists from the University of Notre Dame and other universities in collaboration with the Green Science Policy Institute has found per- and polyfluroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a number of cosmetics. The researchers identified that more than three-quarters of waterproof mascara, almost two-thirds of foundations and liquid lipsticks, and over half of eye and lip products had high fluorine concentrations. They reported that, though many of the products tested contained fluorine, they often did not have PFAS listed on the labels.

PFAS have been linked to many negative health impacts including cancer, immune suppression, and developmental and reproductive toxicity. That’s why PFAS are not permitted in MADE SAFE certified products.

With harmful ingredients such as PFAS being uncovered in cosmetics, whether intentionally or unintentionally added, there is a need for more industry regulation. To learn more, read the full story on PFAS in cosmetics or watch the press conference explaining the results and implications.

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