Certification Standards

Learn how to become MADE SAFE® Certified

  • The MADE SAFE certification process is rigorous, scientific, and independent, which makes earning the seal an incredible badge of honor and superiority. Products seeking the MADE SAFE (Made With Safe Ingredients™) seal are screened to validate that over 6,500 Banned / Restricted List substances have been avoided or constrained, thereby eliminating the worst hazards commonly found in products used in our homes and daily routines.

  • This is only the first step in our unique Ecosystem Approach to screening, which is designed to protect people and every resource we rely on for life, and requires extreme transparency. Companies must disclose all known added substances in a formulation for MADE SAFE to review, going far beyond basic ingredient list reporting, in order to assess products for broader impact. Companies must also gather and submit extremely detailed ingredient information and specifications as part of the screening process.

  • This 360-degree evaluation of added ingredients and materials is what makes MADE SAFE® Certification incredibly stringent; every substance reported to us by a company is considered in the context in which it will be used, and must pass the screening process for the MADE SAFE seal to be granted for use on a given product.

Companies that achieve certification of product(s) are able to use our no-compromise seal to demonstrate that they offer ecosystem-sound consumer options. Ultimately, this gives shoppers trust around purchasing, knowing that MADE SAFE® Certified products are safer choices for use on their bodies, with their families, and in their homes. By embarking on this certification process, the companies we work with join a growing cadre of change-makers pioneering the way to a safe and sustainable future for all.


MADE SAFE® Certification also participates with the Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly, B Lab, and Wayfair Shop Sustainably programs.

  • Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly Program MADE SAFE

    Amazon's Climate Pledge Friendly program partners with trusted third-party certifications to highlight products that meet sustainability standards, which makes it easier for customers to shop based on their values. Our coveted seal is one of the latest external certifications to join the program.

  • B Lap Corp MADE SAFE

    B Lab is a nonprofit transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. They believe all business should be a force for good. A leader in economic systems change, their global network creates standards, policies and tools for business, and they certify companies (B Corps) who are leading the way.

  • Wayfair Shop Sustainably Program MADE SAFE

    Wayfair’s Shop Sustainably program is part of the company’s commitment to protecting our planet and shared home in order to build an environmentally sustainable future for all. Customers can now easily shop from thousands of home products certified by more than 50 third-party certifications, including MADE SAFE® Certified.

Learn More

Explore details about our Banned / Restricted List of over 6,500 substances. See a detailed graphic to better understand our certification process. Additionally, download the current version of our certification standard guidance below.

MADE SAFE Certified Seal

Certification Standard

Published June 2023