Ways to Give

Small acts are the foundation for big change. Intentional charitable contributions create incremental shifts that ultimately help transform the world. By supporting our work, together we’ll shift the marketplace toward safer products, creating a safer ecosystem to protect all people and the resources we rely on for life.

  • MADE SAFE is a program of Nontoxic Certified, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and we accept charitable donations. Your gift allows us to continue our education and advocacy efforts, and supports our work to create a safe and healthy marketplace. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please use the donation form below to easily process your contribution.

  • You can also mail your donation checks to us directly at:

    MADE SAFE/Nontoxic Certified
    Attention: Gifts
    145 Palisade Street, Suite 200
    Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

    Or, if you’d prefer to speak with someone about a gift in person, please contact us directly at info@madesafe.org

1% for the Planet MADE SAFE

1% for the Planet

MADE SAFE is proud to be a nonprofit partner of 1% for the Planet, which represents a global network of businesses, individuals and environmental partners tackling our planet's most pressing environmental issues. To support our ongoing mission and continued impact, we ask that you please consider joining the network and naming us as your beneficiary.


Thanks & Appreciation

Our deep and sincere thanks to the generous donors, philanthropists, foundations and organizations who support our game-changing work. These funders make it possible for us to continue our mission of revolutionizing how consumer products are made, and thereby eliminating the use of harmful chemicals from the marketplace to ensure a safe and sustainable future for all.

  • Kim Larson & Gary Knell

    Jon Mullen / EcoStock

    Rachel Paletsky

    Mr. & Mrs. Blair Peterson

    Susan & David Rockefeller

    Heather White Strategies

    1% for the Planet

    American Endowment Foundation

    As You Sow Foundation

  • BakerHostetler

    The Blackbaud Giving Fund

    The Further Foundation

    Klausner Family Foundation

    New York State Pollution Prevention Institute

    Nike Foundation

    RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology)

    Schwab Charitable Foundation

    Sheppard Mullin

Jon Mullen Photography EcoStock MADE SAFE

Jon Mullen

A special thanks to Jon Mullen, the talented photographer whose imagery brings our website to life and highlights MADE SAFE's unique focus on ecosystem soundness. Jon’s images tell the stories of our threatened wild places. His work has appeared in national and international publications – including Time, The Times of London, The Guardian, Mother Jones, and Outdoor Photographer magazine. He is a contributing photographer to The Wilderness Society, The Nature Conservancy, Conservation Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy and Wilderness Workshop.


MADE SAFE® is a program of Nontoxic Certified, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit | Annual Impact Reports | Guidestar Profile | Proof of 501(c)(3) Status (search EIN 47-3240230)