Everyday Poisons Making You Sick & Environmental Health Course

Environmental Medicine Education International (EMEI) is launching a new course for the public called How To Thrive in a Toxic World and Prevent Disease.”

This course is even more relevant due to a recent scientific study identifying 16 states that were exposed to the plume of chemical toxins from the train derailment and subsequent fire in East Palestine, OH in early 2023.

This was not a local event contained in a one-mile evacuation perimeter around East Palestine, as we heard from the EPA and other government officials.

This study using data from the National Atmospheric Deposition Project, estimates that the toxic chemicals may have affected as many as 110 million U.S. citizens (that’s 1/3 of the US population) from the Midwest, such as in Minnesota and Wisconsin, to the Northeast, in places such as New England. The study says the chemicals could even be found as far south as Tennessee and North Carolina. And as far to the north as Toronto and the southern part of Ontario, Canada.

New York and Michigan were hit badly, and most of Illinois and Indiana.

An EPA whistle blower stated on mainstream media that the EPA failed to act appropriately and he listed the most shocking revelations: not deploying their emergency response aircraft, and not collecting the right data for the right amount of time from the area in question.

In other words, we were not informed and therefore not protected from exposure to these chemicals. Unfortunately some of them do not just go in and out, but are dangerous chemicals stored in our bodies ( dioxins -SEE BELOW).

In Environmental Medicine we have a saying: You can’t find what you don’t look for. This was evident in the testing that was done in East Palestine. Testing for dioxin was NOT done by the EPA but discovered in later testing done by independent investigators.

On June 25th, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a blistering report which among other things, found that the vent and burn of the cars carrying the hazardous vinyl chloride was not necessary. This is important because the burning of vinyl chloride is what led to the creation of dioxins as a byproduct, in addition to hydrogen chloride and phosgene, also very toxic chemicals.

  • One of the other key findings from the NTSB was: A lack of accurate, timely and comprehensive information passed to local incident commanders and state officials.

This is where Drs. Patrick and Fine from Environmental Medicine Education International come in.

Two weeks after the derailment we were in New York City speaking at a functional medicine conference on the necessity for environmental medicine in primary care, and we released a white paper detailing the chemicals involved in the chemical disaster and focused on the most deadly release of all- 

One of the worries we had was the dioxin released into the atmosphere from the burning of vinyl chloride. There was a complete media blackout on dioxin, which is the second most carcinogenic substance known to man. The EPA said to eat the food grown in the area and the produce from your gardens because everything is okay. But independent scientists later found dioxin in the crops. How far did the dioxin spread?

In our course, we have solutions, including how to address dioxins in the human body, which, apparently, nobody else is allowed to talk about.

All of this inspired us to create our newly released course, How to Thrive in a Toxic World and Prevent Disease.

In our 7 hours of video content, we cover everyday chemical exposures, outdoor air pollution and chemical exposures, indoor air pollution (which even the EPA says is more polluted than outdoor air), and finally, the newest threat to human health: microplastics and nanoplastics.

In order to make all this information useable, we provide a host of resources:

  • how to do your own research on chemicals you may be exposed to
  • how to buy the right water and air filters
  • what really happened at 9/11 (more people died from chemical exposures after 9/11 than in the actual fall of the Twin Towers)
  • and much, much more.

Access this critical information now including a $50 discount: How to Thrive in a Toxic World

Discount code: Launch50


Dr. Anne Marie Fine, NMD, FAAEM

Dr. Fine NMD, FAAEM is a licensed and board-certified naturopathic physician with a focus in Environmental Medicine. She obtained her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Sonoran University of Health Sciences and has held licenses to practice medicine in California and Arizona for the last twenty years.

She is also the Founder of Fine Natural Products, LLC, a best-selling author, consultant, published author of numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, and internationally recognized speaker. Dr. Fine is a member and fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and science advisor for the non-profit MADE SAFE . As well, she is Adjunct Faculty at the Sonoran University of Health Sciences where she teaches Environmental Medicine.

Dr. Fine is a former CPA and financial executive who graduated from the Mendoza School of Business at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. Anne Marie Fine, NMD, FAAEM

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