Exposure to plasticizing chemicals, such as bisphenols and phthalates, has been linked to a slew of negative health outcomes. From PVA laundry and dish pods, to plastic food packaging and storage, to the sadly ubiquitous microplastics found in drinking water, plastic continues to pervade much of modern life. We invite you to be a part of changing that narrative.
Every July, MADE SAFE participates in Plastic Free July, a global movement to help people become part of the solution to plastic pollution. We do this by asking people to commit to eliminating single-use plastics or going plastic-free.
Reducing or eliminating your consumption of plastic is not only good for the planet, it is also beneficial for your own health. You can find excellent suggestions for reducing and eliminating your exposure to plastic in a recent Consumer Reports article featuring MADE SAFE Founder, Amy Ziff.